Technological Innovations at the Joliet Job Corps Center
Tags: "Joliet Job Corps Center" | computers | Discovery Education | IT | Richard Brown | Wi-Fi

Technological Innovations at the Joliet Job Corps Center

The Technology Committee met on Jan. 28 to continue facilitating important updates to the Center.

The committee is working hard to assist Richard Brown, IT Manager, in rolling out Wi-Fi service for students to use in the build-ing.

“The Job Corps Center is working hard to update its technology offerings to our students. A part of that offering is them having access to a secure Wi-Fi network during appropriate times,” Mr. Brown said.

Students who attended the meeting also suggested that Wi-Fi access should be re-stricted during the training day.

Additionally, the committee is investigating video streaming solutions that would be an alternative to YouTube. One service, Dis-covery Education, has proven to be very beneficial. Once the team completes a 60-day trial, they will make a recommendation.

During the meeting, Mr. Brown announced some very good news: the computers soon would be replaced in the lab that’s often used by the Career Preparation Period students.

The computers that were in that lab would be moved to the Trade classrooms for those students to use.

Lastly, the Technology Committee is working tirelessly to implement training workshops for students and staff. They are planning ways to have members of the committee assist in the Center’s classrooms with technological concerns.

All in all, the Technology Committee is on the move to make our center technology “Five Star.”

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