Charleston Job Corps Annual Mental Health Event
Tags: Charleston Job Corps Center

Charleston Job Corps Annual Mental Health Event

Annual Mental Health Event
Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Multiple staff members organized and presented the Charleston Job Corps Annual Mental Health Event, which focused on suicide awareness and prevention.

A candlelight vigil was held on Saturday, September 25th, at which informational material on grief, suicide, and depression was available to students. Approximately 15 students participated. Of the fifteen students, nine lit a candle and wrote the name of a friend or loved one they had lost to suicide. In addition to sharing their stories with staff, some students were compelled to gather information to read at a later time. Afterward, all students participated in banana split treats and received novelty gifts.

Two students presented thematic art projects as part of the event and prizes were awarded accordingly. The class participated in preparing fliers about suicide and losing a loved one. Additionally, some students took voluntary assessments for depression and anxiety and participated in classroom discussions. Scott Spaulding, Center Mental Health Consultant, says, “considering the limited number of students at our center and the restrictions due to COVID-19, we had a very good turnout. Spaulding further states, “Overall, I am thankful for the energy and time staff contributed to this worthwhile and timely event, as well as having students participate.” A major highlight was that students were able to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns.

Here is a list of events:

Events Date and time
Candlelight Vigil 9/25/21 6:00 PM
Novelty Gifts and Banana Splits 9/25/21 6:00 PM
Art/writing submissions 9/20/21 through 9/26/21
Spreading the Light in Darkness
$25 awards for best two submissions
Weekly discussion on Google classroom about Suicide dealing with loss, signs and risk factors, protective factors, Job Corps support systems
Fliers created and distributed
Suicide Prevention and “Red Flags”
How to “Move on” Following the Loss of a Loved One
Coping with the Loss of a Loved One
Assessments online with an invitation to students to voluntarily complete and scheduled review of results.

Contributing Staff Members
Ms. Joni Radcliff-Pena LTL Coordinator Candlelight Vigil and Overall Event
Ms. Tierah Williams Career Services Secretary Art/Writing Submission Event
Ms. Margie Clemmons-Woods Art and Crafts Banana Splits/Novelty Gifts Event
Mike Yeager, LPC CMHC Fliers Classroom Event
Scott Spaulding, MA CMHC Assessments Classroom Event
Annual Mental Health Event
Suicide Awareness and Prevention

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