The Cleveland Job Corps Center’s (CJCC) Student Government Association (SGA) is the voice of the stu-dent body; and works to promote a positive culture on campus. They work with staff on issues to enhance the academic, social and vocational advancement of all the CJCC students. Please join us in congratulating the fol-lowing newly elected SGA representatives:
Jordan Pruitt: As President of the student body, I plan to use the platform of SGA to speak for my fellow trainees. During my tenure at the Cleveland Job Corps Center, I have seen a great progression and I want to see more. I plan to create a more unifying culture between students and staff alike. I also plan to create a more comfortable learning and living environment. Comfortable in a sense of cleanliness, organization, and respectfulness. I will use my ability to work alongside staff and students to make our community safe. I plan to be a major factor in our small area to service the com-munity and help those in need when possible. To help raise the re-tention rate, as well as graduation rate. Job Corps has greatly helped me to improve as a person. As the President of the Student Government Association, I plan to return that help in any way I can.
Casey Wilson: As Vice President, it is my plan to make it my abso-lute duty to ensure the advancement of positivity throughout the campus. I take the duties of my position to be the voice of my fellow students. I wish to seek better relationships between staff and stu-dents by coming up with ideas that will encourage this change be-side my fellow SGA members. My goal is to make sure that when my term as SGA Vice President is complete, I have helped create unity between us all and create a better community. I wish to en-courage a successful Center, and look forward to helping others to reach their full poten-tial.
Alexis Smith: As Secretary, I will help the students and staff make the campus better. I want life on Center to become stress-free; a wonderful experience for everyone, for people to be comfortable, and for it to be almost impossible to get expelled from this wonder-ful program that helps people get on their feet. I vow to ensure the integrity and success of this Center.

Hope Taylor: As Committee Chairman, I will help students and staff make Job Corps a positive experience. As Committee Chair-man, I want to give back to the Cleveland Community by reading to children, feeding the homeless, and cleaning up area parks. I also plan to help build professional relationships between staff and stu-dents, and encourage students to perform at their full potential.
Elizabeth Schaffer: As Treasurer, I promise to uphold the financial obligations of my position. I would like to aid the staff and students in improving the overall culture and success of the Cleveland Job Corps Center. This being my second term on SGA, I will make sure we work together as a team, use my experiences, and form a strong and pos-itive student government family that encourages all students to become leaders and reach their full potential. (Photo not available.)
Marvin L. Simms: Student Government Association Coordinator. My direction for the Student Government Association (SGA) is to continue to help push this Center to reach its full potential of being the #1 Center in the country. To be a staple for the City of Cleveland and its population, through the implementation of community ser-vices and success stories. The Center’s success is dependent upon the implantation and growth of its Student Government. My goal is to provide not only a positive role model, but a conducive environ-ment for the development for our students to reach their full poten-tial in life.

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