San Diego Job Corps Celebrates 2nd Annual National Job Corps Commencement Day
Tags: San Diego Job Corps Center

San Diego Job Corps Celebrates 2nd Annual National Job Corps Commencement Day

The San Diego Job Corps Center’s newest graduates were honored by students, staff, and supporters at the San Diego Center on August 24, 2012.  The 310 graduates took part in the semi-annual celebration, joining thousands of graduating Job Corps students on the 2nd Annual National Job Corps Commencement Day.

A video narrated by Mark Shriver, author of “A Good Man: Rediscovering My Father, Sargent Shriver”, was shown at the beginning of the ceremony.  Sargent Shriver worked with President Lyndon B. Johnson and founded Job Corps in 1964.  Since that date, more than 3 million out-of-work young adults and underserved youth nationally have been served by the program.  85% of Job Corps graduates find and keep jobs, enlist in the military, or continue their education.

Mark Shriver advised that “60,000 students are served every year by the 15,000 Job Corps staff members working every day to touch young people’s lives.”  He continued that the average Job Corps center supports 228 local jobs and every dollar invested in Job Corps returns almost $2 to the local economy.  Nationally, the 125 Job Corps centers support about 30,000 jobs, the vast majority of which are with private business.  “Today, each of you has fulfilled one of my father’s favorite quotes,” Shriver added.  “Just keep working hard.  Something good will happen.”

Student speakers Gabriela Mathys and Akeem Richardson congratulated their fellow graduates for their hard work in completing both their academic and career technical training programs.  They expressed their appreciation for Job Corps providing them the opportunity to have a better life.  “Job Corps opened its doors to us,” she stated, “and let us walk in.  I had the opportunity to grow,” Mathys added, “and become the woman I am today.”

Ms. Carina Kagan,  Donor Recrutiment and Community Outreach Coordinator for the American Red Cross Blood Services Department was warmly greeted by the graduates and the Job Corps staff.  “Miss K” has been coordinating Red Cross Blood Drives on center for the past two years, and detailed the dramitc growth in student and staff participation.  “Job Corps has donated 935 pints of blood during this time,” Kagan advised, adding that each pint of blood has the potential to save three lives.  Kagan said she was “always pleased to work with Job Corps.  You are respectful, giving, and loving.  Please don’t stop giving blood when you leave Job Corps,” she added.

Each graduate received letters and certificates of congratulations from Senator Barbara Boxer, Congressman Brian P. Bilbray, Congressman Bob Filner, and Congresswoman Susan A. Davis.  Representatives from Congresswoman Davis, Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, and Congressman Filner’s district offices attended the graduation.

Congressman Bob Filner, addressed the students at the conclusion of the commencement ceremony.  “You inspire us all with your courage and we’re proud of you,” he stated.  “As mayor, I will create a Job Corps Student Advisory Committee who will help find job opportunities in the public and private secors and get students involved in the political process.”  Congressman Filner concluded his remarks by stating, “On behalf of the Department of Labor, the State of California, and the staff of San Diego Job Corps, I now pronounce you official graduates of the San Diego Job Corps.”

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