Leaders learn about Turner Job Corps Workforce Development
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Leaders learn about Turner Job Corps Workforce Development


Jobs are hard to come by these days. The best way to increase your chance of getting a job you want is to make sure you have the training and skills necessary for that job.

That’s the mission at Turner Job Corps.

Tuesday, they highlighted their success to political and community leaders.

Triquenski Hicks works as an administrative specialist for the city of Albany. He works alongside the city clerk who says she couldn’t be more thrilled to have an employee like him by her side.

“I am too grateful, I have two kids and I couldn’t be for thankful to have a job,” said Triquenski Hicks, Administrative Specialist for the City of Albany.

But Hicks doesn’t think he would be in the same boat had it not have been for the hands on experience provided by Turner Job Corps.

 He started off as a work based learning student and gradually worked his way up from an intern to a full time employee.

“I know people with college degrees who don’t have jobs,” said Hicks.

He doesn’t have a college degree but he does have the skills needed to make a great employee.

“It taught you how to dress for a job, how to be on time for a job how to have people skills and that’s really helped a whole lot,” said Hicks.

But he’s not the only success story to come out of Turner Job Corps.

“Students are leaving out of here with jobs every week,” said Calandra Jefferson, Business and Community Liasion at Turner Job Corps.  

And those who haven’t left yet are optimistic about finding work when they do.

“I’m not fearful at all, I’m actually very confident,” said Meloni Barringer, Student Employee at Turner Job Corps.

Tuesday, Turner Job Corp held its annual legislative affairs luncheon, where the success of workforce development was stressed to legislators, business partners and other leaders in the community. 

By networking and collaborating with various groups, Turner leaders better understand what employers are looking for and what they can do to make their students even more prepared.

“You don’t have a raw employee, they are a jump ahead of someone else you hire off the street,” said Jefferson.

Workforce development training worked for Hicks.

“I think if people really want to get a job, then yes they can get a job,” said Hicks.

And it could work for you too.

Over the past five years nearly 82% of job corp graduates were placed in careers, education programs or the military.

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